Our staff are all highly knowledgeable with the ability to problem solve all swimming pool related equipment and chemical issues. The retail shop offers a free BioGuard computerized water testing service in order to problem solve and help clients maintain their swimming pool. Many customers come into the store and use this service even though there pool is in pristine condition; they rely on the staff’s ability to use proactive methods to keep the pool pristine. The business motto is, “We put the pleasure into pool ownership” and this is applied on a daily basis.
Our service and regular maintenance department is able to offer you the following services:
Water Testing
We offer state of the art BioGuard Accuscan water testing facilities. Come in with a sample of your swimming pool or spa water and enjoy accurate, FREE water testing. Our staff are experienced, trained water chemistry professionals and are ready to help take the guess work out of your swimming pool and spa maintenance programs. You will also receive a printed copy of your personalized water sample results with a step by step correction and maintenance guide.
Regular Maintenance
If you have a busy life or merely do not want to have to deal with the routine maintenance of your prized asset your swimming pool we are able to offer you peace of mind by proving you with a weekly or fortnightly service. We will keep your pool sparkling clean.
Leaking pools
A leaking pool can be costly and it is a waste on our precious water resources. In summer time a swimming pool should not loose more than 50-70mm of water per week taking into account backwashing and evaporation loss.
Our highly experienced leak detection team can locate a repair most leaks in a timelessly fashion. Many of our clients are amazed at the neatness of the work that the specialized leak team produces. The client’s often does not even know were we have opened up the pool deck in order to repair the underground line.
Pool Pump repairs or replacement
We carry an extensive range of pool pumps and can either replace our repaired your problematic unit. Our repaired pumps carry a one year warrantee and the new units on average carry a two year manufacturing warrantee
Green Pools
Our staff can either provide you with a DIY remedy or we can do a shock and flock combined with multiple vacuums in order to provide you with a sparkling pool again.
Salt Chlorinator installation and sales
Tired off having to remember to add the chlorine to the pool, Well the solution is simple let us provide you with a quote to install a market leading Zodiac Clearwater Salt chlorinator. A salt chlorinator provide you with higher levels of ease of use and bather comfort.
Automatic Pool Cleaner (APC) not working
Your Baracuda or Kreepy Krauly not working properly, well the cause could be from a simple blocked basket to an underground suction leak or a failed component on your pool cleaner. Our staff can rapidly diagnose the problem and resolve the issue.
Sand Changes
The average lifespan of the sand in your pool filter is between 3 to 4 years. We can either provide you with the sand and instructions on a DIY sand change or we can the sand change for you. The average pool filter holds 120kg of dry sand that can be a tedious and messy job to do.
Pool Filters
We carry both the sand filters as well as the water saving cartridge filters. A cracked sand filter cannot be repaired as the unit is a pressure vessel and the material cannot be patched. Our staff can guide you in determining the appropriate size unit to match your pool size and filtration system requirements.
Maintenance, Repair and Replacement of Equipment
The service staff have been trained to deal with all other swimming pool, related issues not covered by the above. Through our extensive product knowledge and expertise we can get you back into the swim.
Most pool problems are related to one of the following issues:
- Filtration
- Circulation
- Water chemistry
Why not let our highly knowledgeable staff guide you through the problem solving methodology or let our service department do it for you. After being in business for 40 years Pool Doctor and its staff have been there and done it, but more importantly we want to carry on providing a fantastic service to all the pool owners out there.